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Friday Night Gnocchi Fight

IMG_4033 IMG_4037 IMG_4040 IMG_4045 IMG_4047 IMG_4053 IMG_4056 IMG_4059 IMG_4063 IMG_4066IMG_4069IMG_4176 We set out to make gnocchi. We used a recipe from Martha Stewart Living. It seemed easy enough, potatoes, flour, an egg, salt. Peel and boil potatoes, mash potatoes, put mashed potatoes on flour surfaced, make a well, crack an egg, mixing it up, form logs, cut logs, form gnocchi, boil, watch them float to the surface and then saute them in butter with sage. Everything was going along really well, we were having a great time, the toddler was helping, the baby was sleeping. Then ... Nathan and I began to fight about the size of the individual gnocchi. This fight which began so simply escalated into a discussion about listening to one another and us not doing that. Maybe you can relate?  Maybe it was Friday the 13th, maybe in was the full moon, oh and maybe it was mercury retrograde? Maybe it was my fear for what Martha would say?  Who's to know. Anyway, after it was all resolved, we ended up on the couch cuddling and me with a bowl of deeply comforting gnocchi that was exactly the right size. If you try to make gnocchi yourself, be prepared to have it take much longer than you expect, because things always do.

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Found This Week


This is what I've found over the course of several weeks. Check it all out. This yoga lifestyle blog is simple, beautiful and artful. A place of visual inspiration.


3191 More visual inspiration. My husband found this book for me; A Year of Mornings, 3191 miles apart. It's the photo journal of two women. One in Portland, Oregon and one in Portland, Maine who take remarkably similar and domestically stunning photos each morning, 3191 miles apart. I'd love to do a collaboration like this one day.


Mother. An online publication by James Kicinski-McCoy of Bleubirdblog (which I look at daily) and Katie Hintz-Zambrano of Refinery29 (which is one online publication I actually receive emails from and read). Mother is for, yep, moms! Stylish, awesome, inspiring, moms. It is exactly what I need when my hair hasn't been washed for 4 days, I'm wearing sweat pants (again), I have have baby spit-up on my sweater, and it's 4am. A few great links from Mother: What You Can Do To Help a New MotherVegan Recipes for Kids


Storq. I wish I'd known about this earlier! I would have worn only this while pregnant.




IMG_2358 IMG_2360 IMG_2362 IMG_2371 IMG_2379 IMG_2382 May 11, 2014 - Mother's Day Mama's Gift / Love Note / Walking / The Park / Screen Door / Quiet Time



An Interview with Heidi Thomas

Heidi Thomas is a wonderful, beautiful and soulful woman full of life, love, and pure sweetness. I interviewed her about her photography business and passion Thomas and Velo, being a Mom, life, love and yoga! Heidi is someone that I admire very much for her genuine love of life. She went through a very special yoga teacher training with me when I was pregnant with Brendan and we have been connected ever since. Here is what she shared with me. Happy Mother's Day! Today also happens to be Heidi's birthday, so Happy Birthday Heidi! 935989_10151973437114598_535370863_n 543880_238695369620841_160894377_n 1459740_10152008066784598_803723569_n 9346_10151673192334598_318567005_n 574484_10150812089274598_1069435254_n

KS: Who are you? HT: I am a mom, wife, photographer, teacher, athlete, and lover of all things nature.

KS: Tell me about Thomas and Velo? HT: Thomas and Velo Photography: My best friend Andrea and I started Thomas and Velo Photography this past July when she got back from Scotland. It was her idea to go into business together and make the plunge right away. Thomas is my last name and Velo is her maiden name. We both have a huge love for photography. There is something about stopping life for a fraction of second that is beautiful. I truly love the sound of my shutter closing. It is my creative outlet. Andrea and I have so much fun together. We go on every shoot together and take turns behind the camera. Our favorite type of photography would be story telling. We love capturing people of all ages just doing what they do in life. Our least favorite... formal posed shots but they are part of photography and can still be creative and beautiful.

KS: How significantly has your life changed since having your little guy Sawyer? How has this inspired your work? HT: Ahhh, life after Sawyer. Let me just say, that I love being a mom. I wouldn't trade it in for the world. I look at him all the time and think, holy cow, we MADE him. Crazy...Life has changed some but not dramatically. We still do "things". We just have a tag along with us now and have to be home for nap time :). It's made us both slow down and be more busy. I hope to one day do photography as my only paid job so that I have more time with Sawyer. Photography is a great mommy job. I do know that I need to take more pictures of him with my professional camera! Having him has inspired me both in photography in my classroom. I think I am a more understanding person with the parents in my classroom and the families I photograph. I also understand the HUGE importance of taking pictures of children while they are young. I love taking pictures of kids playing.

KS: As a mother, teacher, wife, and friend, how do you take care of yourself, what are some of your self-care practices?   HT: I am super busy during the school year so taking care of myself is both important and hard. I still struggle to find a balance between family, work and myself. I want to do it all. I need sleep and exercise to feel like I've taken care of myself. I make sure I get to sleep around 10:00 and that I get some form of exercise each day. It usually consists of an early morning run or yoga class. I like getting it done while my family is sleeping. This way I don't feel like I am missing out on family time. I also meditate in the evenings after putting Sawyer down and before I edit photos :).

KS: What is your favorite food? HT: It's hard to pin down! Anything whole, organic, GMO free and healthy! My favorite junk food: chips... I love salt.

KS: What is your favorite book?  HT: That's also hard. I feel like all women should read, The Red Tent. I also really wish I had a red tent once a month.

KS: What is your favorite movie? HT: All romantic comedies. I love how easy they are to watch and knowing they almost always turn out happy. I also really enjoy watching documentaries.

KS: What music do you love? HT: Americana is my go to. I also love my "yoga" music. I blast it in the car and attempt to sing/chant in Sanskrit.

KS: Tell me about your style, personal and (photographic) professional? HT: I talked a little about my photography style earlier. I love candid, real life photography. Capturing small moments and small details. I love telling a story with my photographs and often imagine each shoot becoming a coffee table book!

KS: What do you love about your home? HT: I love that my home is comfortable and filled things that are either special or nice to look at. I love that we have a wood burning stove and a huge backyard to play in.

KS: You hava an amazing group of friends. What is something you all share? HT: My group of friends are amazing. We get along and get each other. We all have a love for adventures, good food, nature, yoga and generally anything fun!

KS: What are you currently obsessed with? HT: I am obsessed with Kinfolk Magazine. I love the photography, stories and recipes. I would love to photograph for them some day. I am also obsessed with other people's photography and food blogs.

KS: Are you in love? HT: I am so in love. I am in love with my husband beyond words. He amazes me daily and I feel so blessed to have him as my husband and Sawyer's daddy. I am also in love with Sawyer. Who knew love could be so deep it's crazy.

KS: What can't you live without? HT: My family, friends, good food, running and yoga. I am so grateful for my family, home, friends and life in general. I am blessed and happy.

KS: How does your yoga practice contribute to and play out on and off your mat? HT: Breath. Breathing, remaining present and calm. I think yoga has given me a different outlook on life and how I interact with people off the mat. On the mat, it is 100% a moving meditation and me time. I walk out of yoga will a full heart.
